Tuesday, July 27, 2010


things i would like right now:
my body to realize how tired it is.
to stop eating these swedish fish. it's surprising how hard this is.
to be home, alone, long enough to take photos.
someone to play with my hair while i fall asleep.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

it's just poor taste sweetie

word on the street is that i should be more ticked off about this.
if not at both of you, at least one. you. my friend.
but i knew it was coming. i've known for a long time.
i'm not sure if it is that, combined with the fact that i am not 'hung up' on him, but i am not mad.
i am, however, slightly annoyed by the awkward situations i may find myself and the lil lady in.
but what can be done? choices made and lives to be led.
at least i know, that just like the past three years, our lives aren't that intertwined anymore.
also, i must say, goodness! ya'll work with a quickness.
probably shoulda seen that coming too huh?
happiness to both of you as long as possible.
i think i may just leave myself out of it for awhile.